乘风破浪,不负韶华——环球国际高中学霸成长记 第一期

来源:未知    作者:环球国际高中    人气:    发布时间:2021-06-02    








赵镁智于2020年9月入读环球国际高中,并担任学生会主席工作。2021年2月,被多伦多大学Rotman商学院,UBC商学院等多所高校录取。曾担任Angel Alert非盈利组织部门Leader,帮助多伦多超20个community建立老年紧急医疗救援系统。2019年,DECA商赛Marketing Promotion组第一;2020年,Future In Case Competition第三。曾主理Terry Fox慈善基金会,举办Run For Terry Fox活动,为骨癌患者筹集可观数额善款。


1. XK Toronto Runs for OOCH Water 

    Station Volunteer Organizer

2. Divas Half Marathon Health 

    Center Volunteer 

3. Century Library LibrarianCold Nights 

    TMS school leader

4. The principal  of TMS Model UN Club

5. Member of School Band

6. Member of TMS Acappella Club

7. The principal and founder of TMS 

    Global Travel Club

8. Vice-President Student council
(任职期间主要任务是定期为学校组织有意义活动,增强学生的凝聚力集体感,以及创造丰富的校园文化,让学生们在活动中积累经验,收获能力和知识。(完成校董和赞助者制定的KPI)Terry Fox是其中一个活动,还有一个例子是学校禁止塑料周,规定学生在这一周之内禁止使用塑料制品(不点外卖,用玻璃餐盒,不用矿泉水瓶,用玻璃瓶,将使用过的塑料制品二次制作多次利用让学生意识到不用塑料也可以生活的很好,还能为环境做贡献,一周后四个House(一个学校所有学生和老师被分为四个house)比拼。学生会与学校和老师根据课程制定每个年级field trip的方案,我的Global Travel Club为学习设计过Amazon Camping,Quebec City,Casa loma这三次field trip的行程,在过程中协助老师管理游玩纪律。
9. 在亚马逊的Field Trip 帮助当地小朋友盖房子玩耍...... 帮助小动物。
10. Schulich Business Summer camp
11. 开始中国工商银行Receptionist实习 worked at an ICBC branch as a receptionist for three months. My main responsibilities were to help clients in the lobby, assist them with money transfers, and identify potential savings opportunities for them. The other work experience is a remote internship at the Bank of Anhui for six months. My role is mainly responsible for data management. I have helped the department document files of ongoing projects, which has helped improve the team’s efficiency.
12. 开始徽商银行Analyst实习,I worked on a remote internship at the Bank of Anhui for six months. I am mainly responsible for data management using tools like excel and the company’s in-house software. I have helped the personal banking and marketing department organize files of completed projects so that the team could summarize key information from previous projects to improve the current projects. I also helped the teams monitor ongoing projects by keeping track of timelines and a clear record of the location of files. From the internship, I have learned how to organize information efficiently and present it to the team professionally.
13. 开始BIES Youth Council的工作, volunteered for the BIES Youth council regularly. When COVID first starts, our organization helps the retirement homes by delivering PPE, creating a video to show them protective measures, and writing cards to send our blessing. I am also currently organizing a virtual university fair for my schoolmates to share resources related to university applications with them.
2019年  DECA商赛Marketing Promotion组第一
2019年  Uforse 商赛小组第四
2020年  Future In Case Competition第三
Nippsing Mock Stock Competition Top 5%
Investopedia Stock Competiton第六





尽管这一年的网课十分困难,但是GEA的教务老师和授课老师们结合特殊情况,采用各种措施最大限度地提高线上授课质量及效果。比如令我印象最深刻的是MFH和MCV老师Amir,他使用了Class Work的策略来保障学生在课堂上不走神,同时能够及时与学生Keep in touch来实时了解学生们对知识的掌握情况。
在异国求学对于小留学生而言无疑是困难和艰辛的,无论是生活上还是学习上。班主任Chloe 老师在各方面给予我莫大的帮助,并时常以朋友的角度与我聊天,关心我的生活,这种关心和爱护给异国他乡的我带来了温暖,同时也给了我力量,让我在GEA找到了归属感。










