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加中资讯网2021年4月24日讯,今天(2021年4月24日),联邦小企业、出口促进和国际贸易部长、万锦-康山区国会议员伍凤仪(Mary Ng)、士嘉堡北区国会议员陈圣源(Shaun Chen)、士嘉堡-爱静阁区国会议员叶嘉丽(Jean Yip)、当河谷北区国会议员董晗鹏(Han Dong)与当地华文媒体举办视频会议,讨论联邦《2021年预算:创就业、促增长、增强复原力的复苏计划》。


此次COVID-19衰退严重影响了低薪工作人士、年轻人、妇女和少数族裔的加拿大人。对于工商业而言,此次是个不均衡的衰退,有的企业找到一些繁荣和发展的途径,但许多企业(尤其是小型企业)都在为生存而挣扎。《 2021年预算》是一项历史性的投资,目的是完成抗击疫情大流行的斗争,解决COVID-19衰退所造成的特殊创伤,以人为本,创造就业,壮大中产阶层,使企业走上长期增长的轨道。《2021年预算》将确保加拿大的未来更加健康、更平等、更绿色、更繁荣。


《 2021年预算》是一项为加拿大人民和加拿大工商业搭建桥梁、帮助他们度过危机并走向强劲复苏的计划。它将支持近500,000个新的培训和工作机会,其中包括215,000个为青年设立的机会;支持本国受影响最严重的行业中的企业,例如旅游、艺术和文化等;加快对中小企业数字化转型的投资。《2021年预算》的计划将使联邦政府得以如期实现在年底前创造100万就业的承诺。









小企业、出口促进和国际贸易部长、万锦-康山区国会议员伍凤仪(Mary Ng)阁下:

“从延长紧急扶持措施,到进行有针对性的投资,以支持工商业推广数字化并在经济复苏期间聘用员工,此次预算是加拿大历史上对小企业最友好(the most small business-friendly)的预算。我们的复苏也必须具有包容性才能取得成功。我们将向加拿大种族关系基金会投资1100万元,以抗击由于COVID-19疫情而在加拿大浮现的种族主义——这其中包括建立一个支持亚裔加拿大人的联盟。”

士嘉堡北区国会议员陈圣源(Shaun Chen):


士嘉堡-爱静阁区国会议员叶嘉丽(Jean Yip):


当河谷北区国会议员董晗鹏(Han Dong):

“ COVID-19疫情大流行带来了自大萧条以来最深重、最快速的衰退。加拿大在这场危机袭来之时拥有强劲的财政条件,这使政府有能力采取果断行动,同时保持财政负责的态度,为民众和企业渡过难关提供必不可少的支持,并可支持一个强劲而包容性的复苏,这个复苏的速度比预期更快,而且好过一些相同条件的国家。这是一个投资经济增长的预算,而偿还债务的最佳方法就是增长我们的经济。”



《 2021年预算》包括为期3年的1,014亿加元拟议投资,这是加拿大联邦政府经济增长计划的一部分,该计划将创造良好的就业机会并支持有复原力和包容性的经济复苏。其中一些关键措施包括:





    ●延长加拿大紧急工资补贴(Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, CEWS)、加拿大紧急租金补贴(Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, CERS)和封门扶持(Lockdown Support)至2021年9月25日。

      ●延长为国民提供重要收入支持计划的服务期限,例如延长加拿大复苏补助(Canada Recovery Benefit,  CRB)和加拿大复苏看护补助(Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit, CRCB)的周数。


○投资40亿元用于创立一个新的“加拿大数字推广采用计划”(Canada Digital Adoption Program),帮助160,000家中小型企业采用新的数字科技,为近30,000年轻加拿大人创造就业机会。



○为75岁及以上的老年人增加老年保障金(Old Age Security, OAS),为他们提供更好的财务保障。

























MPs highlights Budget 2021’s investments to fight against COVID-19 and ensure a robust economic recovery


News release

April 24, 2021 - Toronto, Ontario 


Today, Hon. Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion, and International Trade and MP for Markham-Thornhill, Shaun Chen, MP for Scarborough North, Jean Yip, MP for Scarborough-Agincourt, and Han Dong, MP for Don Valley North joined local Chinese Canadian media for a virtual discussion on Budget 2021: A Recovery Plan for Jobs, Growth, and Resilience.  


The COVID-19 recession has disproportionately affected low-wage workers, young people, women and racialized Canadians. For businesses, it has been a two-speed recession, with some finding ways to pivot and succeed but many—especially small businesses—fighting to survive. Budget 2021 is a historic investment to finish the fight against the pandemic, address the specific wounds of the COVID-19 recession, put people first, create jobs, grow the middle class and set businesses on a track for long-term growth. Budget 2021 will ensure that Canada’s future will be healthier, more equitable, greener and more prosperous.


Budget 2021 is a plan to bridge Canadians and Canadian businesses through the crisis and towards a robust recovery. It will support almost 500,000 new training and work opportunities, including 215,000 opportunities for youth; support businesses in our most affected sectors, such as tourism and arts and culture; and accelerate investment and digital transformation at small and medium-sized businesses. Budget 2021 is a plan that puts Canada on track to meet its commitment to create 1 million jobs by the end of the year.


Our government’s top priority remains protecting Canadians’ health and safety, particularly during this third, aggressive wave of the virus and its variants. Vaccine rollout is underway across Canada, with federal government support in every province and territory and Canada is on track to meet the commitment that every Canadian who wants to will be vaccinated by September. 


Canada entered the pandemic in a strong fiscal position. This allowed the government to take quick, decisive and responsible action, supporting people and businesses, and put Canada where it needs to be for a successful and strong recovery. 




“From extending emergency measures, to making targeted investments that will support businesses go digital and hire back workers in the recovery, this is the most small business-friendly budget in Canadian history. Our recovery must also be inclusive to be successful. We are investing $11 million in the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, to fight the rise of racism in Canada due to COVID-19 – including establishing a coalition to support Asian Canadians.” 

Hon Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion, and International Trade and MP for Markham-Thornhill


“Budget 2021 is good news. It is a historic commitment to support Canadians through the pandemic and put Canada well on the way to recovery. We are creating 1 million new jobs, increasing training and job opportunities for youth, and supporting businesses in our most affected sectors such as tourism and culture. Now is the time to make crucial investments that will build a sustainable, more prosperous and equitable future for all Canadians.”

Shaun Chen, MP for Scarborough North


“A Canada-wide early learning and child care plan is a plan to drive economic growth, increase women’s participation in the workforce, and to give every Canadian child a good head start. Covid-19 has dispportionately affected seniors. We will invest $3 billion to support provinces and territories to ensure standards for long term care are applied and permanent changes are made. This work would ensure seniors and those in care, like those in Scarborough-Agincourt - live in safe and dignified conditions.  We are also delivering on our promise to increase Old Age security for Canadians 75 and older. “

Jean Yip, MP for Scarborough-Agincourt


“The COVID-19 pandemic brought about the deepest and fastest recession, worldwide, since the Great Depression. Canada entered this crisis in a strong fiscal position, allowing the government to take decisive action to put in place the support necessary for people and businesses to weather the storm and support a robust and inclusive recovery at a faster-than-anticipated pace compared with some peer countries, while being fiscally responsible. This is a budget that invests in growth and the best way to pay our debts is to grow our economy.”

Han Dong, MP for Don Valley North


Quick facts


Budget 2021 includes $101.4 billion over three years in proposed investments as part of the Government of Canada’s growth plan that will create good jobs and support a resilient and inclusive recovery. Key measures include:


○Establishing a Canada-wide early learning and child care system, in partnership with provincial, territorial, and Indigenous partners, which will help all families access affordable, high-quality, and flexible child care no matter where they live, and no longer shoulder the burden of high child care costs. The budget proposes new investments totalling almost $30 billion over the next five years. Combined with previous investments, a minimum of $9.2 billion per year ongoing will be invested in child care, starting in 2025-26.


○Extending emergency supports to bridge Canadians and Canadian businesses through to recovery, including:

    ●Extending the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy and Lockdown Support until September 25, 2021.

    ●Extending the number of weeks available for important income support for Canadians such as the Canada Recovery Benefit and the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit.


○Investing $4 billion to create a new Canada Digital Adoption Program that will help as many as 160,000 small- and medium-sized businesses adopt new digital technologies, and create jobs for nearly 30,000 young Canadians.

○Enhancing Employment Insurance sickness benefits from 15 to 26 weeks.

○Increasing Old Age Security for seniors age 75 and older to provide them with better financial security.

○Helping to build, repair, and support 35,000 affordable housing units for vulnerable Canadians through an investment of $2.5 billion and a reallocation of $1.3 billion in existing funding.




Related products

●Budget 2021: A Recovery Plan for Jobs, Growth, and Resilience

●Budget 2021: Address by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

●Young Canadians

●A Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Plan

●Supporting Women

●Low-wage Workers

●Support for Small Business

●Job Creation

●Building an Innovation Economy of the Future

●A Healthy Environment for a Healthy Economy

●Strong Indigenous Communities

●Supporting Tourism, Hospitality, Arts and Culture



Associated links

●Fall Economic Statement 2020: Supporting Canadians and Fighting COVID-19

●Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan








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